Excerpts from the booK

Life vs Existence

“When you put energy into living, you do not need to put much energy into existing.

When you put too much energy into existing, you have no energy left for Life.

Existence is dead weight, you have to carry it. Life is buoyant, it carries you.”

Life after Death

“Life lives. Life cannot die. It’s an oxymoron.”

The Jungle of Dating

Unlike marriage where you need to be completely selfless, when dating, you have to be completely selfish.

The Comedy of Marriage…

is human being attempting the Divine… that's tantamount to attempting the impossible! Marriage demands a sense of humor because being married is a Godly endeavor, and as humans we are not as holy, so it’s comical that we even attempt at it. We need to be patient with each other and with ourselves… we need a little humor and a whole lot of wisdom.

Sex & Intimacy

Sex is about the pleasure that a body gets from another body. One person taking pleasure from another. Intimacy is about connecting, merging and becoming one with another human being. What we need is not more pleasure. What we need is closeness. A couple who has experienced true intimacy comes away from the experience more innocent than they were before. They become inseparable.

Love & Marriage

“Be careful when you marry for love, because you could be marrying love and not the person you are supposed to love..”

Fearless Parenting

“If you discipline good behaviour. You do not have to discipline bad ones.”

The Truth of the Human Psyche: Where Psychology went wrong

“If you go deep enough, you will not discover a repressed need. What you will discover is a freedom from all needs.”

My parents are divorced. Now what?

People from divorced families have certain strengths that others may not have, humility is one of them and that already puts you ahead.

The Real American Idol

“The idols that we worship today are money, celebrity, fame, self, even love. Idols are false gods; like all false gods, they will always disappoint.”

Amazon Reviews

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